

Article Tittle (Font size:18)

Author Name1,*, Author Name2, Author Name1,2 (Font size: 13.5)

1Department One, Institution One, Street One, District One, City One, Country One (Font size: 10)

2Department Two, Institution Two, Street Two, District Two, City Two, Country Two

Received xx xx xx
Revised xx xx xx; Accepted xx xx xx (Font size: 10)

Abstract: Sample text inserted for illustration. Replace with abstract text. A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An (additional) extended abstract in English (of at least 200 words) is required for articles written in Vietnamese. (Font size: 10)

 Keywords: Term, term, term (provide a maximum of 6 keywords, and avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, “and”, “of”).

1. Introduction (Font size: 11, Spacing- Before 24pt, After 10pt)

Sample text inserted for illustration. Replace with article text, including headings where appropriate. Figures and tables can be single- or double-column width as appropriate. During the production process they will be placed at the top or bottom of columns, after they are first cited in the text.

The content: Font size 11, Spacing: Before: 3pt, After: 3pt, Line spacing: single

2. Section heading (Spacing Font size: 11 – Before 24pt, After 10pt)

The content: Font size 11, Spacing: Before: 3pt, After: 3pt, Line spacing: single

2.1. Subsection heading (Spacing – Before 10pt, After 10pt)

The content: Font size 11, Spacing: Before: 3pt, After: 3pt, Line spacing: single

2.1.1. Subsection heading

The content: Font size 11, Spacing: Before: 3pt, After: 3pt, Line spacing: single

Table 1. Name (Spacing: Before 10pt, After 10pt)

Table 2. Name (Spacing: Before 10pt, After 10pt)

3. Section heading (Spacing Font size: 11 – Before 10pt, After 10pt)

The content: Font size 11, Spacing: Before: 3pt, After: 3pt, Line spacing: single


Figure 1. Name (Spacing: Before 10pt, After 10pt). (Small figure).

Figure 2. Name (Spacing: Before 10pt, After 10pt). (Big figure)

4. Conclusion (Spacing Font size: 11 – Before 10pt, After 10pt)

The content: Font size 11, Spacing: Before: 3pt, After: 3pt, Line spacing: single

Acknowledgments (Font size: 11, Spacing – Before 10pt, After 10pt)

The content: Font size 11, Spacing: Before: 3pt, After: 3pt, Line spacing: single

References (see the journal’s instructions for authors below)

1) Reference to a journal publication (font size 9.5, Spacing – Before: 2pt, After: 2pt)

[1] van der Geer, J.A.J. Hanraads, R.A. Lupton, The art of writing a scientific article, J. Sci. Commun. 163 (2010) 51-59. (font size 9.5, Spacing – Before: 2pt, After: 2pt)

2) Reference to a book:

   [2] Strunk Jr., E.B. White, The Elements of Style, fourth ed., Longman, New York, 2000.

3) Reference to a chapter in an edited book:

   [3] R. Mettam, L.B. Adams, How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: B.S. Jones, R.Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age, E-Publishing Inc., New York, 2009, pp. 281-304.

4) Reference to a website:

   [4] Cancer Research UK, Cancer statistics reports for the UK. cancerstatsreport/, 2003 (accessed 13 March 2003).

5) Reference to a conference paper:

   [5] A.M. Cloyd, Surveying students: A look at citation habits of college students, presented at EasyBib Info Lit Conference, New York City, 2014. New York, NY: EasyBib Publishing.

*Corresponding author.

Email address: xxx@xx.xx